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About Jaalinee

India is a vast country with very rich tradition and culture. Arts and crafts are markers of its culture and as one travels to different places of India, we get to see the presence of talent on the one hand and lack of market on the other.

Jaalinee is a e-commerce portal specifically built to provide a platform for bharatiya crafts and arts. There are many artists in various parts of India, sustaining indigenous arts and craft but unfortunately they lack access to global market due to various reasons including tech-savvyness. Jaalinee finds such artists, who typically live in specific geographical area and work with them to bring them to

Jaalinee team identifies artists, enable them on IT to manage own virtual stores within Jaalinee and provides a platform for reaching to the world.

The spread of mobile phones to smaller places offers an opportunity to those living in small towns and villages to reach the market without having to travel. As a company Jalada Technologies is working on providing platforms for small and very small entities and is one of the first.

If you know of any such group that requires access to market, kindly send a mail to

Jaalinee is a wholly owned e-commerce website of Jalada Technology Services Private Ltd


Gramin Arts & craft